Cartoon Network is making some new anime series called "Bakugan". It looks like Yu-Gi-Oh in that involves a game that controls the fate of the world. It probably wishes it was as awesome as Custom Robo Arena. I can tell it's gonna suck.
Manga-obsessed idiot
Happyhappyrainbow land
Joined on 12/23/06
Posted by HomestarFan - February 19th, 2008
Cartoon Network is making some new anime series called "Bakugan". It looks like Yu-Gi-Oh in that involves a game that controls the fate of the world. It probably wishes it was as awesome as Custom Robo Arena. I can tell it's gonna suck.
I haven't seen Bakugan yet, so I can't say anything about this anime.
I still yearn for Mikan and Super-Pig...
Wish I knew who the heck those were.
Who knows?
I sure don't. I know NOTHING.